Month: August 2008

  • And they lived holier ever after…

    Well, in less than 15 hours from now, my best friend & I will be entering a new stage in life…together as one.  Kinda strange to realize that tomorrow will be the final result of exactly 20 months worth of waiting.  These 20 months has really tried and tested us already as a couple and as best friends.  Yet, I also know that it is simply the beginning, not the end, to a fresh season of life.

    One of my friends was with me today as we went to do some last minute shopping for wedding supplies, and as we sat down to quickly consume kosher hot dogs, he asked me how do I feel on my last day as a bachelor.  I paused for a few seconds as I realized that he was right.  I was so caught up with all the preparations the last couple of days, that I hadn’t really put much thought into that.

    I think the answer to my friend’s question can be answered a hundred different ways by many different guys.  I looked him in the eyes and said that I’m more excited about entering this new stage in my life than missing my soon-to-be past stage.  I’ve enjoyed my single years and totally believe singleness is a blessing from God for however long that He wishes any of us to hold onto it. 

    Yet, here I stand in the midst of this new season, and I find myself looking forward to the intensity of what marriage will bring.  Yes, there will be happiness, joy, companionship, and intimacy, but there will be hurt feelings, sadness, frustration, misunderstanding, and distance.  Even with such, and especially during the last few months, I’ve been able to see how marriage really is about becoming holier and not just happier.  Our fleshy weaknesses will only be intensified, but they also provide an opportunity for the Spirit to work and mold us both into Jesus’ image.

    I’m called to love her in a way that reflects how Jesus loves His Bride…
    I’m not worthy of such a call, but I will say ‘Yes
    Not my strength, not my will, not my power
    Only He can do greater things through me
    Only His will & word will ring true
    Lord, help us to reflect you
